oakwood worldwide (www.oakwood.com), one of the most successful hospitality management companies in the world and the leading global company in the hospitality niche of serviced apartments is sourcing candidates for the oakwood apartments beijing. the oakwood apartments beijing are ideally situated in chaoyang beside the san yuan bridge in the heart of the prestigious business and commercial district and are due to open in may 2007. <br><br>oakwood是全球著名的酒店式服务公寓运营商之一,并且是该领域在世界范围内的引领者。北京oakwood酒店式公寓位于朝阳区三元桥,处于北京市繁华的经济和商业中心,该公寓预计于2007年5月正式营业。 <br><br>we are looking for energetic, dynamic, positive people to be a part of the oakwood team in beijing. if you are the right candidate and have the related experience in the hospitality industry, with good english and strong communication skills, please email your current resume both in chinese and english to us at oakwoodbj@126.com. only short listed candidates will be contacted, telephone inquiries and personal visits will not be received. <br><br>我们招聘精力充沛、有活力、工作积极的人士作为北京oakwood 公寓的员工,并提供超一流五星级饭店的工资待遇。如果您是有相关饭店、公寓工作经验,较强的英语水平和沟通能力的合适人选,请将您的中英文简历发到oakwoodbj@126.com邮箱。只有符合条件的候选人才会被通知面试,电话咨询和来访恕不接待。<br><br>oakwood residence beijing offers 202 elegantly appointed serviced apartmaents in no.55,dong san huan bei lu,beijing. the apartments are located in two towers, with eight(8) floors in the first tower and twenty one(21)floors in the main tower. the large and spacious fully-equipped fitness center houses an indoor pool and children's play area. regency taipan massage and spa is located on the premises. it is open in august,2007.<br>北京oakwood residence位于东三环北路55号,拥有各种户型的典雅公寓202套。公寓由两座楼构成,主楼高21层,辅楼高8层。有宽敞、设施齐备的健身房、游泳池、儿童娱乐室,足疗和温泉洗浴。将于2007年8月开业。